Outward Rectangular Manhole Cover Application
Outward Rectangular Manhole Cover is a type of cap designed especially for industrial use with bottling and washing machines. It is frequently used especially in fruit juice industries such as the wine industry. The Outward Opening Cover is specially designed to easily remove pulp or waste materials accumulated at the bottom of the tank.
Features of Outward Rectangular Menhole Cover:
Easy Access: Thanks to its rectangular shape, it provides easy access into the tank. This facilitates operations such as cleaning, maintenance or filling of the material inside.
- Fast Closing and Opening: In industrial environments, where time is important, this cover’s ability to close and open quickly is a great advantage. It allows transactions to be carried out more efficiently and faster.
- Durability: Designed for industrial use, outward opening rectangular covers are generally produced from durable and sturdy materials. This ensures long-lasting and reliable use.
- Hygiene: Hygiene is very important in industries such as bottling and fruit juice. These covers allow the substances accumulated in the tank to be easily cleaned, thus providing an environment that complies with hygiene standards.
Outward Rectangular Menhole Cover is an important equipment especially for increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises and maintaining product quality. The convenience it provides, especially in cleaning and maintenance operations, is effective in optimizing industrial production processes.
Outward Opening Rectangular Menhole Dimensions:
- 316×424 mm. Outward Rectangular Menhole Cover
- 424×316 mm. Outward Rectangular Tank Cover
- 530×406 mm. Outward Rectangular Lid