Egg Transfer Process; Yellow, white and whole egg are difficult and sensitive product to transfer. we provide an ideal transfer for products with variable viscosity such as eggs without both tiring the product and disruption the structure with our positive displacement Mono, Lobe and Twin Screw pumps. We offer an ideal solution for egg pasteurization with our specially designed wide-range heat exchanger plates.

Egg Transfer Pumps

Lobe Pompa

Lobe Pumps

Twin Screw Pompa

Twin Screw Pumps

mono pompa


Egg Heat Exchangers

Dondurma Karışımı ( Icemix) için Geniş Aralıklı Eşanjörler

Wide Range Plate Heat Exchangers

Stainless Steel Connection Equipment

Paslanmaz Çelik Borular

Stainless Steel Pipes

Paslanmaz Çelik Fittingsler

Stainless Steel Fittings

Paslanmaz Çelik Vanalar

Stainless Steel Valves